An overview of overdue forms for all subjects may be viewed by clicking the Overdue forms link in the left-hand side bar. Each subject is shown as a row in the table, with a cell for each form in a visit with a time-point.
Note that visits without time-points are not shown
Completed forms are shown in green, overdue forms in red. Forms that will never be completed because the subject withdrew or did not attend a visit are shown in grey. Blue cells indicate that the form is not applicable to that subject - for instance because a form is only collected on subjects with a baseline abnormality. Clicking on a cell displays the name of the associated form. The table may be filtered by entering terms in the search box.
Overdue forms detail
The percentages of forms completed, overdue etc are shown in the summary by site and overall. Note that percentages are calculated excluding forms that are not yet due in the denominator. So although 100% of forms may be shown as done today, this may change in the future as forms become due.
Overdue forms summary