
CRF data may be downloaded in either CSV or Stata fixed format via the Download link in the left-hand sidebar. The download page shows a list of forms in the CRF and provides links to download the data for each form individually or for all forms (as a zip file).

Form data download page

Form data download page

CSV format

The data for each form is provided in comma separated value format, which is a plain text file that can be opened in many spreadsheet or Statistical programs. The first row contains a header with the question labels for each column.

Viewing CSV file in spreadsheet

Viewing CSV file in spreadsheet

Every file contains a patient identifier field so that data stored in different forms can be linked together.

Stata format

The data for each form is provided in Stata fixed format, which is a plain text file format with a dictionary ‘header’ that describes the format of the rows. Each row contains information from one saved form with a patient identifier field to identify the patient record it belongs to. The data can be easily imported into Stata using the infile command.

For example, to import the withdrawal data the following infile command would be used in Stata:

infile using SeWithdrawal.dct, clear

where SeWithdrawal.dct is the full filesystem path to the downloaded file. The compress command is recommended to reduce the storage space allocated to each variable.


Some interview data has been downloaded in Stata fixed format. There are two rows below the dictionary header because only data on two patients have been entered so far:

dictionary {
  long id
  long patientId `"Parent patient. Foreign key: patient"'
  str244 userIdentifier `"User who created row"'
  str244 lastUserIdentifier `"User who last updated row"'
  str244 created `"Timestamp for row creation"'
  str244 updated `"Date & time of last update to row"'
  str244 reasonForEdit `"Reason for editing row"'
  str244 notes `"Notes"'
  str244 validationOverrides `"Justifications for overriding validation"'
  str244 validationStatus `"Validation status"'
  str244 validationNotes `"Validation notes"'
  str244 question1 `"Form details - Site number. Number (up to 3 digits)"'
  str244 question2 `"Form details - Participant number. Number (up to 3 digits)"'
  str244 question3 `"Form details - Date CRF completed. dd/mm/yyyy"'
  str244 question4 `"Questions - Sex"'
  str244 question5 `"Questions - Marital status"'
  str244 question6 `"Questions - If other, please specify"'
  str244 question7 `"Questions - Ethnicity"'
  str244 question8 `"Questions - Employment status"'
  str244 question9 `"Questions - Current or most recent job"'
  str244 question10 `"Questions - Highest level of education completed"'
  str244 question11 `"Depression - Have you had any previous episodes of depression?"'
  str244 question12 `"Depression - If so, how many. Number (up to 5 digits)"'
  str244 question13 `"Depression - Duration of current episode in weeks. Number (up to 5 digits)"'
  str244 question14 `"Depression - Are you using any treatments for depression at the moment?"'
  str244 question15 `"Depression - Treatment/Medication Name"'
  str244 question16 `"Depression - Treatment/Medication Name [additional fields as needed]"'
  str244 question17 `"AUDIT - How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?"'
  str244 question18 `"AUDIT - How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?"'
  str244 question19 `"AUDIT - How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?"'
  str244 question20 `"AUDIT - How often during the last year have you found the you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?"'
  str244 question21 `"AUDIT - How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?"'
  str244 question22 `"AUDIT - How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?"'
  str244 question23 `"AUDIT - How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?"'
  str244 question24 `"AUDIT - How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?"'
  str244 question25 `"AUDIT - Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?"'
  str244 question26 `"AUDIT - Has a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?"'
  str244 question27 `"ECOG - ECOG performance status"'
  str244 question28 `"Treatment Expectation - Name of treatment"'
  str244 question29 `"Treatment Expectation - To what extent do you think you will improve if you receive this treatment?. Number (up to 5 digits)"'
  str244 question30 `"Treatment Expectation - Have you ever received this treatment before?"'
  str244 question31 `"Treatment Expectation - If yes, please provide further detail about the effect of the treatment on yourself"'
  str244 dateEntered "Date entered study"
  str244 dateWithdrew "Date withdrew"
  str244 siteName "Site"
  str244 countryName "Country"
  str244 identifier "Patient identifier"
  str244 visit "Visit"
1 1 "Jacob Benfield (ID 813)" "Jacob Benfield (ID 813)" "2014-04-29 15:03:09" "2014-04-29 15:03:09" "" "" "{}" "Not validated" "" "010" "100" "28/4/2014" "Male" "Married" "" "White" "Employed" "Landscape gardener" "A level (or equivalent)" "Yes" "2" "15" "No" "" "" "1.  Monthly or less" "2.  5 or 6" "0 – Never" "0 – Never" "0 – Never" "0 – Never" "0 – Never" "0 – Never" "0 - No" "0 - No" "0 = Fully Active, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction" "Paracetamol" "34" "No" "" "2014-04-10" "" "Luton" "United Kingdom" "RV10001" "Baseline"
2 3 "Jacob Benfield (ID 813)" "Jacob Benfield (ID 813)" "2014-04-29 15:05:08" "2014-04-29 15:05:08" "" "" "{}" "Not validated" "" "010" "180" "29/4/2014" "Female" "Partner - Living with" "" "Indian" "Self employed" "Vet" "Degree" "No" "" "19" "No" "" "" "0.  Never" "0. 1 or 2" "0 – Never" "" "" "" "" "" "0 - No" "0 - No" "1 =  Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work" "Paracetamol" "0" "No" "" "2014-04-10" "" "Luton" "United Kingdom" "RV18001" "Baseline"

The data is imported and compressed, and the output from Stata’s describe command can be seen in the screenshot. The variable names and variable descriptions have been picked up automatically from the dictionary header.

Interview data imported into Stata

Interview data imported into Stata

Category variables are stored as strings so can be tabulated without needing variable labels. Category variables can be encoded if storage space is an issue.

Interview data imported into Stata

Interview data imported into Stata

Conversion notes

During conversion into Stata download format, note the following changes that are made to the data:

  • All strings are truncated at 244 characters
  • Newlines are replaced by spaces
  • Double quotes are replaced by single quotes
  • Dates and times are imported as strings in Stata. Stata’s data conversion functions can be used as required to convert the strings to Stata’s native datetime format.
Page updated 1 Oct 2015