
Clicking on the Contacts link in the the left-hand sidebar takes the user to the trial contact pages. The user can click on the A-Z links to restrict contacts by name.

In addition a search facility is available in the top right hand corner of the page. This can be used for a general search through the contacts by typing in a name or address into the search box. Alternatively the associated drop down bar may be used to find contacts of a chosen type, such as investigators, sites or other organisations. Exact matches are generated by enclosing search terms in double quotes. Exact match searches are case sensitive whereas normal searches are not.

List of contacts starting with B

List of contacts starting with B

Clicking on a contact or submitting a search that returns just one contact will cause more detailed information about that contact to be displayed on the right hand side of the screen.

Viewing details of a contact

Viewing details of a contact

Adding contacts

Contacts can be added by clicking on the New person, New organisation, or New site links that appear near the top of the page. A form will be displayed appropriate to the type of contact. Completing the form and clicking the submit button will create the new contact.

Creating a new person contact

Creating a new person contact

Once the contact is created additional information such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses may be added to the contact. This is achieved by first viewing the contact, then clicking on the Address, Number, or Email links shown above the contact details.

Contact events can be added with the Event link. Contact events are useful for recording notes of conversations, meetings or other events. Records of monitoring visits can also be added to site contacts.

Links are used to create relationships between different contacts. Related people or organisations are shown when viewing the details of a contact. At least one side of the link must involve an organisation - two people may not be linked. To add a link view a contact and use the Link link to pick the related contact.

Editing contacts

To edit a contact it must first be viewed. The contact may then be edited by clicking on its name in the right-hand panel. Similarly, additional information may be edited by simply clicking on it. Use the contact’s [Delete] link to delete the record from the database.

Adding additional information to an existing contact

Adding additional information to an existing contact

Page updated 7 Sep 2017