surgeon looking at computer screen

Red Pill

Our electronic data capture (EDC) and management system, Red Pill, is an elegant, easy to use online database application based on modern web technologies. It makes designing, collecting and managing your CRF data simple.

CRF design

It starts with our CRF builder that lets you create your case report form simply and easily. It's easy to add validation such as required fields and range checks, or to add form logic to skip fields based on previous answers. At any time during the process you can produce a printable PDF version of your eCRF for offline completion. You can also generate a preview of the web-based Red Pill system based on your CRF definition.

Designing a form using the CRF builder
Designing a form using the CRF builder

Data entry

Subjects can be entered into your study CRF via our comprehensive randomisation service or by completing a simple form. Investigators and administrators then enter the remainder of the subject data through Red Pill's web-based forms.

Red Pill can also be used to collect data directly from subjects themselves, known as electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO). Subjects are notified by email and/or SMS when a scheduled visit requires them to provide information. They can complete the forms quickly and easily using the browser on their computer or phone, and the data is immediately visible to trial staff.

Red Pill displays a listing of forms for each subject - showing at a glance both incomplete forms and those that have queries raised against them. Queries can be raised at any time linked to a form or a particular question within a form.

Validation rules are triggered during data entry. Rules can be overridden where necessary as long as a justification is provided.


Standard reports summarising data-entry activity, queries and visits are available. Sealed Envelope can add extra custom reports for your trial. All report data can be downloaded as a plain text comma separated value file for import into Excel, Stata etc.

Administrators can download all your data at any time in plain text comma separated value format or Stata's fixed format with a dictionary. This allows you to run your own analyses using familiar tools like Excel or Stata.

You can define a schedule for data-entry, allowing Red Pill to display an overview chart that helps quickly identify overdue forms and problem sites.

Audit trail

A comprehensive audit trail is kept recording all changes to the data, who made them and when. Changes to a form are highlighted when viewing and you can 'step back' through the history of a form on screen.